Just Add Beats is based in Houston, and we love NASA. When we discovered the NASA Sound Library, we jumped at the chance to challenge our students to make beats with “NASA sounds from historic spaceflights and current missions.” Have a listen and let us know what you think!

Each NASA sound tells its own story and captured a moment in time. It’s so exciting to be able to combine dialogue and sound effects from different NASA missions and blend them with modern virtual instruments to converse with history and create something unique in the present. While making these beats, we wondered what it was like when NASA employees heard the “spooky” sounds of Saturn or the “Interstellar Plasma Sounds” for the first time, and how they managed to accomplish communication between mission control and the astronauts in the shuttles.

In the Just Add Beats program, students create their beats using the REAPER Digital Audio Workstation. They learn to map NASA sounds, drum sounds, and other sounds to keys on a midi controller, how to add audio effects such as reverb, eq, vocoder and autotune to manipulate the sounds, and how to mix all audio elements together into a cohesive track.

Just Add Beats

Just Add Beats

We’re going to keep adding tracks to the NASA Beat Challenge, so stay tuned!

Here are some other really awesome public data projects NASA has posted involving 360/VR Experiences:

